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Field Discipline

In Little League, the field is for the players. Adult on-field presence is limited in order to prevent the adults from taking over the game. Don't hesitate to enforce the specific rules:
  • The umpires only deal with the manager of each team. As far as the umpires are concerned, adult coaches other than the manager should be seen but not heard
  • The only adults allowed on the field of play are the umpires and one adult coacher, usually at 3rd base. [4.05]. In Juniors and Seniors two adult coachers are allowed
  • No more than three adults (one manager and two coaches) per team on the bench. The bench includes any area from which adults can work with the players. [3.17]
  • Manager or coach may only come on the field from the bench with your permission [4.19b]
  • Defensive manager may only visit with pitcher, or with pitcher and catcher, and only at the foul line (the mound in Juniors and Seniors) [8.06]
  • One adult must be in the dugout at all times [4.05(2)]
  • Adults may not warm up pitchers either on the field or outside it. [3.09]

© 2016 - 2023 Sunnyvale Little League