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Sunnyvale Little League News

SVLL Health and Safety Update - May 2022

The league is revising its safety protocols in accoranced with CDC and Santa Clara County Health Department guidance. Sunnyvale Little League Safety Protocols are as follows:
  • If a player, coach, umpire or spectator tests positive, that person should refrain from attending any league activitis, including games and practices for a minimum of 5 days.
    • On day 6, that person may resume league activities if a negative antigen test result is produced
    • On day 6 that person may resule league activities, if they choose not to re-test but must wear a mask on days 6 through 10 following the initial postive test.
    • That person may return to league activites 10 days after the initial postivie test result
  • For those who are exposed, it is recommended that you wear a mask for 10 days from the exposure date
In the event that someone tests positive and they attended league games or practices, we encourage them to notify the league by sending an email to safety@sunnyvalelittleleague.com, so that we may communicate a possible exposure to those who may have come in contact with that person. This is not a mandate, but in the spirit of our attempts to control the spread of the virus across the league, we will communicate positive cases to those who may have been xposed so that they may get tested, We will only make mention that someone has tested positive and will NOT divulge the name of that person in our league communications.

© 2016 - 2023 Sunnyvale Little League